Printing and packaging industry intelligent cutting solutions - vibration knife cutting machine

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Datu technology intelligent cutting system, specially tailored for the printing and packaging industry to provide design proofing, personalized customization and mass production services, more rapid, accurate, intelligent automation solutions.

Compatible with the mainstream design software, configure a variety of tools (vibration, indentation knife, slotting knife, etc.)

dealing with different materials (corrugated paper, coated paper, white card, grey version of the paper, etc.), fully meet the printing and packaging industry such as abnormity cutting, strong impression, multi-angle slot, drawing and so on different process requirements, with precise camera positioning function.

To meet the needs of high-quality packaging, high-end customization, one machine to solve the marking,

proofing, mass production and other needs, for our customers to bring more efficient automated production needs.

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    No. 8299 Jingshixi Road, Changqing District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
   +8618615255758
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